Monthly Archive: July 2015

Thanks to top writing services such as we are ready to develop our ideas and fill stories with interesting facts. You can also hire specialists to work on your tasks.


The only solace of a lonely little girl in war

I stumbled on this story on Facebook this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. Shared originally by Julian Lennon, this little girl’s entire family was executed during the war. She was also shot in the head but survived...

Caring is Contagious

Caring is contagious

Caring is contagious. Care and see how much it multiplies. The ripple effect of caring eventually will circle round the world if we do not give up. Share This:


This POEM has gone viral

Seriously, we all do need some breath of fresh air in the days we live in. We try to convince ourselves and others that things will only get better amidst the very terrible news flashing before our very eyes per...


Have hope

  We really do need to encourage ourselves everyday particularly in these present times: dwindling economies, contradicting laws been enacted, conflicting views on practically every topic out there and somewhat bleak future in international relations. The world is getting more...

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